Mindset and Self-Leadership Trainer and Speaker

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Only 15 percent of people are born
with the #1 mindset skill*.

Are you one of them?

* Source: Tasha Eurich, Organizational Psychologist

As a mindset trainer, coach and speaker for over 10 years, when people ask me what the number one mindset skill is, I have absolutely no doubt:

It's self awareness. 

This skill is about knowing yourself deeply:

  • Knowing who you are – your personality, values, attitudes and aspirations
  • Recognising your strengths and vulnerabilities.
  • Being able to tune in to the stories you're telling yourself.
  • Understanding why you feel and behave the way you do.
  • Having a realistic idea of how the world sees you.

Building self-awareness is the most important part of Mindset Training.

When we don't have this skill it's much harder to:

 *   Realise when we're tripping ourselves up.
 *   Achieve goals and maintain wins.
 *   Change our habits and behaviour.

 *   Be effective self-leaders.
 *   Fully grasp how we come across to others.

Building self-awareness makes it easier to resolve issues such as procrastination, anxiety, feeling not good enough, fear of failure, imposter syndrome, needing approval, poor body image, constant comparisons, defeatism and fear of straying outside our comfort zone.

Get to know your mind and banish your old limitations

Mindset Training — Why?

So many of us have that nagging itch that we were born for something MORE: more success. More fulfilment. More joyMore impact.

We blame circumstances for why we aren't achieving our "more". But here's the truth: our reality is largely shaped by our thoughts, beliefs and choices.

When we're lacking in self-awareness, we may not recognise what's keeping us stuck. We may not hear limiting beliefs, like, "It has to be perfect", or "I mustn't disappoint people"

If we can't hear those stories, we can't challenge and change them. We stay stuck in old patterns of self-sabotage. We're not capable of being effective self-leaders.

Mindset training enables you to think, feel and behave in a more helpful way. It provides tools to build self-awareness, transform your beliefs and behaviour, and expand your impact. It puts you on the path to becoming the 'MORE' you know you could be.

Caroline Ferguson is a Mindset Trainer, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and speaker. She works with talented, purpose-driven leaders and organisations.

Mindset and Self-Leadership Transformation for
Individuals and Organisations

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The gold-standard for transforming your mind-state and turning your potential into impact. Together we'll map out your goals and then identify, challenge and change the stories that have been keeping you stuck in old patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. You'll come out with stronger self-awareness, plus an understanding of your beliefs and how to rebuild them for a better life.

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Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are essential leadership (and self-leadership) qualities. Empower your senior managers with effective mindset and self-leadership coaching to help them uplevel the way they think, feel and behave. You can also book Caroline to deliver engaging, actionable talks and insight for your people. See the speaker page for more details.

Meet Caroline Ferguson

For a long time I was a restless seeker, swapping roles and sectors every few years. 

I turned down a dream marketing role to become a freelance copywriter. Then I swapped writing business stories for scribbling screenplays. But movie options and awards weren't the answer, and neither was helping leadership teams communicate about business change, which came next.

Through it all, the itch that I was BORN FOR SOMETHING MORE just wouldn't go away.

It wasn't until I took time out to reflect that I finally got it: nothing I'd ever done had actually made a positive difference to others. I took a gamble and retrained as a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist, and that was it. From day one, I knew with joyous certainty that I'd found the toolkit and skills I needed to become my "something more".

Now I help purposeful, high-potential leaders to develop self awareness (the #1 life skill) and rebuild their mind-state so they can uplevel in all areas of life. My biggest thrill is watching decent humans soar past unhelpful beliefs and habits to sky-rocket their impact for good.

To find out how mindset training can help you or members of your leadership team to build self-awareness and overcome self-sabotage, start a conversation with me.

What Others Say About Working With Caroline Ferguson, Mindset Trainer


Caroline made possible for me something that had previously been impossible. I had been sitting on a book for at least 10 years and had even written a couple of chapters but hadn’t got any further because of many self-doubts.

Caroline helped me to see how I could strive for what I wanted without being held back by my limiting beliefs.

The result is a published book! Her style is so non-judgmental – important for me as I was judging myself so harshly. I came away with clarity and confidence about how to move forward.


Director, Author and Parent Trainer



I had been needing some support to get the drive going in my life and business, and Caroline quickly (and compassionately!) helped me delve into my core beliefs and from there to work on credible goal setting too.

She has a hugely engaging and caring manner which comes from a deep well of experience and expertise... she has that magic ability to ‘give’ you the energy you need. If you are ‘stuck’ in any way – or not yet stuck and just want some support to challenge what is holding you back from even greater success – then look no further.

MD, Travel Agency


Sometimes, even when we think we've done the work on ourself, when we REALLY begin to uplevel our dreams and even step, let alone stride and leap, outside our comfort zone there can be a residue of 'stuff' that makes achieving our big vision feel like riding a bike up a mountain with the brakes rubbing.

Caroline is not only highly trained, professional and talented, she is one of the most caring, authentic and empathetic people I know... I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me to get ready for what I know is to come.

CEO, Business Coach and Author

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